It's freaking hot
Posted by EmptyShell | Posted in | Posted on Saturday, July 23, 2011
Like seriously. Yesterday was the hottest day that we have ever had here. Like on record. You go outside and it's like entering an oven. At the hottest, it was 39 degrees Celsius and it felt like 50 with the humidity. (102 degrees and it felt like 122 for you Americans)
All you can do it lie there and try not to move because moving makes you want to puke.
Things have been going really well at work, but part of me is scared that I'm going to fuck it up. I'm scared that I won't be able to keep up as it gets busier, and now that my boss likes me it means the pressure is really on to be perfect.
I've been feeling really overwhelmed for the last couple of days. I should have gotten my ID ages ago and I kept putting it off. Now my work needs it and I don't have it to give them. Now I'm paying for my own laziness and stupidity.
I feel like I'm spread so thin. Go to work, find a career, find a school, clean the house, see your family, stay in touch with friends, find a new apartment, exercise, lose weight, change your body, change your mind, change your life... It doesn't seem like much but there are so many little tasks to keep it all together. I'm always forgetting something. I can't keep my priorities in order. I can't figure out what to do and I feel like I'm never accomplishing enough.
Sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind. I'm building a card house and as soon as I try to build the next level everything falls out from underneath me and I need to start over again. and again. and again.
I'm not moving until October instead of September now. It means more time to prepare but also another month with Exboy. I don't know how I feel about it but there's nothing I can do about it so it doesn't matter anyways.
Mich: I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves them. My boss made fun of me after my martial arts class because as soon as we were done I lit up a smoke.
All you can do it lie there and try not to move because moving makes you want to puke.
Things have been going really well at work, but part of me is scared that I'm going to fuck it up. I'm scared that I won't be able to keep up as it gets busier, and now that my boss likes me it means the pressure is really on to be perfect.
I've been feeling really overwhelmed for the last couple of days. I should have gotten my ID ages ago and I kept putting it off. Now my work needs it and I don't have it to give them. Now I'm paying for my own laziness and stupidity.
I feel like I'm spread so thin. Go to work, find a career, find a school, clean the house, see your family, stay in touch with friends, find a new apartment, exercise, lose weight, change your body, change your mind, change your life... It doesn't seem like much but there are so many little tasks to keep it all together. I'm always forgetting something. I can't keep my priorities in order. I can't figure out what to do and I feel like I'm never accomplishing enough.
Sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind. I'm building a card house and as soon as I try to build the next level everything falls out from underneath me and I need to start over again. and again. and again.
I'm not moving until October instead of September now. It means more time to prepare but also another month with Exboy. I don't know how I feel about it but there's nothing I can do about it so it doesn't matter anyways.
Mich: I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves them. My boss made fun of me after my martial arts class because as soon as we were done I lit up a smoke.
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