My shift button is broken

Posted by EmptyShell | Posted in | Posted on Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Which makes it really hard to update. I have to use the caps lock to make capital letters and I miss my question mark and quotation marks, which the caps lock button doesn't work for. So there will be no questions in this post.

Last weekend exboy and I got into an epic fight. I was with my roommate and we were have a pretty serious conversation, the details of which were really personal. I ended up losing track of time and not making it back home in time to let in him in after he was done work. He still doesn't have keys since he got mugged.

Now I did say that I would be home to let him in, but I had my cell phone on me, and according to him, he stood outside our apartment for like half an hour before trying to call me. When he did call me, he was screaming about how awful I was. I was already a mickey of vodka in at this point, so obviously I did not take well to being called out like that.

We met in the parking lot of the grocery store near my house so I could give him the keys. The plan was for us to go back to the house with him, but in the parking lot the argument continued. He told me I ruined his life, and I told him his life was in the shitter long before he met me. He told me I was nothing but a drug addicted slut when he met me and I told him to go fuck himself.

He's been threatening me. Not physically, but he's threatened to send compromising photos and information to my family and friends. I told him that if he wanted to ruin my life then he should just do it and get it over with. But I hope he doesn't. I really don't want to deal with the fallout.

The fight got so bad that a group of teenagers who live in the area approached my roommate to make sure I was ok. They thought he was going to hit me. When ex-boy saw them coming closer he started talking about not wanting to deal with my 'posse' and stormed off.

My roommate and I decided not to go home and continue the fight further. We hung out with the random teenagers for a bit and then spent the night and the next day wandering the city, talking, drinking and shooting the shit. It was actually a really nice time.

Later that day we went and saw exboy at work. We both had had time to cool down and we apologized to each other for civilities sake.

Things are getting hardcore awkward now though. The countdown is on...

About Me

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Where emotions should be, there is only the quiet sense of distance. I shall remain unaffected in times of crisis, calm or caring. This is not a choice, but I am strangely okay with that. What else is there to say really? It's all been said before. We are not unique and delicate snowflakes. Even that is not an original thought. (brownie points for getting the reference) Maybe one day I will have something interesting to say here but the fact of the matter is, if you really want to know, read the blog. Or ask. Whatever.