The Versatile Blogger, pt. 2
Posted by EmptyShell | Posted in Awesome, decorating, dreaming, ladies, sex, style | Posted on Sunday, March 27, 2011
The Rules:
1. Thank the person who loved you enough to bestow this gift
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Bestow this honour onto 10 newly discovered or followed bloggers– in no particular order– who are fantastic in some way.
4. Drop by and let your ten new friends know you admire them
1. Thank the person who loved you enough to bestow this gift
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Bestow this honour onto 10 newly discovered or followed bloggers– in no particular order– who are fantastic in some way.
4. Drop by and let your ten new friends know you admire them
- I have no baby toenails. Seriously. There is the little indent where you would think there would be baby toenails growing, so most people don't notice, but there is nothing there. If I want to paint my toes, I have to just paint the skin where my toenail should be.
- The reason I am starting my dream journal is because I am absolutely enraptured by the idea of learning how to lucid dream. I've never had a nightmare and there are always tons of recurring themes and locations in my dreams that I am really interested in exploring further. I'm not really interested in changing my dreams, so much as being more aware of myself, my surroundings and my intentions. I'm a little scared that I could get to the point where I don't want to wake up anymore, but I try not to think too much about that.
- I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. Like seriously, clueless. Maybe something writing related? Maybe something councilling related? Maybe I wanna be a porn star? I got nothing.
- I have no sense of style. The girls I work with often look at me and just shake their heads in dismay. Its getting better though. I also haven't really bought clothes for myself ever, before like six months ago. Losing weight has actually made me care about what I look like for the first time. This also ties into the next one.
- I have never decorated a room. I have never picked out a piece of furniture or a poster for myself. I have arranged furniture that was given to me, but that is about it. When I was a kid I slept in my moms old room, so it was decorated the way she had it, and since then I just tuned out my surroundings. Right now my room is empty. Seriously, there is a paper thin futon on the floor, boxes in the closet and clothes on the floor. We moved in in September.
- I spend a good chunk of my day planning what I am going to do when I live on my own. For example, decorate my room and jump around while walking around my house to burn more calories. I feel constantly observed here. There will no doubt be a post on this in detail when I am feeling more miserable, so I'll leave it at that for now.
- I was supposed to have a threesome with a couple barely know yesterday, but I got my rag and couldn't go through with it. I met them at a trade show and they invited me out to dinner and drinks. And asked if I was ok with threesomes. Its driving exboy crazy that I won't tell him who I was going out with, but lets not kid ourselves, he doesn't want to know that. Now it has to be postponed anyways, and it upsets me.
Vanessa Morgan at against the wind
lissa at eat no evil
Savory Sweet at Savory & Sick
Mich at Sick B*tch
Lisa at Think Thin Always...
TK at Thinthoughts